Bronx Cob Oven Workshop


Bronx Cob Oven Workshop

Sale Price:$200.00 Original Price:$250.00

Early Bird Sign ups only $200!  After April 1st the price of the workshop is $250.  

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  1. During this workshop we will build a wood-fired earthen bread and pizza oven from start to finish.
  2. Learn some of the basic natural building techniques used for building complete natural homes.
  3. Learn how to identify and harvest natural materials for cob building.
  4. Participate and learn to mix cob properly, including plaster mixes
  5. Discussing natural design strategies and biomimicry to make spaces healthier, more than sustainable, and alive. 
  6. This workshop is very hands-on; expect to get physical and your hands muddy. Prepare to be INSPIRED!